Tuesday, December 25, 2007

So this is Christmas.

I was going to produce another encyclical on how to be awesome (as I have done on numerous occasions in the past), but it is Christmas on certain degenerate calendars, so we can all be awesome today even if we do make certain mistakes. Very well: merry Christmas, to those of you who celebrate it today (including me)! Christ is born! To those of you who don't celebrate Christmas at all, you can get the hell off of this web-log.


Steve Hayes said...

And a merry Christmas to you too!

Christ is born!

Nemo said...

Am I the only one who thinks this is the boring part? I mean, it doesn't even have a version of "Hail Thee, Festival Day".

Caelius said...

There are some nice Carolingian hymns...

How about mixing and matching for the 1982 Hymnal tune:

Hail thee, festival day, blest day that are hallowed forever, day on which Christ was born, making our God manifest.

The verses may take me some time.

the Rev. Stacy Alan+ said...

I've got some students who will volunteer to write the Incarnation verses. They'd like a version of "Hail Thee" for every major feast (and some of the minor or nonexistent ones, too).