Monday, August 14, 2006

one more time

If I hear somebody say, just one more time, that Orthodoxy in any aspect is somehow "less legalistic than the Romanists", I'll plotz. Perhaps they mean, "more antinomian"? Or are they just secretly holding up a sign saying, "I'm trying to play to your latent anticatholicism to win a proselyte"? Most likely they just don't know what the hell they're talking about.


Ochlophobist said...

There is a strong antinomian tendency in modern Orthodoxy, wouldn't you agree?

Mr. G. Z. T. said...

Yes, paradoxically enough. I don't know whether it's old Protestant [or ex-Catholic] baggage in converts or a general phenomenon throughout American Orthodoxy, however. I just know that people can be mighty accommodating at times and quite willing to distinguish between us and those darn Romish hordes who actually believe things about stuff being "right" or "wrong".