Friday, June 30, 2006

why do I do this to myself?

I took a good long look at that dreadful site to see what they were saying. I felt like I should, you know, just look and see what was up. A comment about how conservative fear God, a God who smashes things and whose smashing of things the males want to emulate, while the liberalists trust God and make everything just dandy received much applause from the audience. It's like watching a train wreck. What possible buffets could have knocked them onto this course? Are they that deluded? Why is the left so disgusting to talk to?

In conclusion, everybody who disagrees with me is either dumb, diseased, evil, or adversely conditioned by their childhood.

EDIT: note that I haven't been interacting at all with them, I've just been reading. I don't think I want to write anything for them ever again. What point would there be? We, uh, just don't share any values.

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