Sunday, June 18, 2006

on the sacrament

So I picked up my dad after his protestant gathering was over this morning, and he asked how Church was, and I am never able to have a good answer to the question, so I said, "Fine." It's more a matter of what it is rather than how it is, after all.

Well, I'm only human, "how" it is matters a little bit to me, but, especially if I'm not serving in the altar, it's very hard for the liturgy to go from "fine" to any other state.

But I suppose if one is used to calling "church" things which are not ontologically different from a bad rock concert of music about Jesus with a couple prayers thrown in or a couple people sitting in a coffeeshop doing a Bible study or a classroom lecture about the significance of the phrase ο κατεχων, the "how" becomes very important - not to degrade the "what" and its significance in this instance, because I do think all three of those examples have their place and importance in a well-ordered life which gives glory to God [well, perhaps not the first, but I'm up for the other two any day of the week]. But there's more to this life and the worship of our God.


G Sanchez said...

Man, I wish they would discuss katechon so I could get some answers...

Eric said...

Good post, my friend.

of course, soon, even the Orthodox begin to evaluate how good the choir sounded, if the deacon was off key, how the homily was, etc. Yes, we can quite evaluative ourselves.

Mr. G. Z. T. said...

Well, as I said, only human.